Spruce Creek High

  • Spruce Creek High
  • Spruce Creek High
  • Spruce Creek High
  • Spruce Creek High
  • Spruce Creek High
  • Spruce Creek High
  • Spruce Creek High
  • Spruce Creek High
  • Spruce Creek High


The 2012-2013 school year marked Spruce Creek High School's second year of participation in the Food Brings Hope / TeenZone program. The group had sixteen full time members comprised of 9th and 10th grade students. The 10th grade students were all members the previous school year.  Many of the 9th grade students came from TeenZone programs at their middle schools and joined at Spruce Creek at the request of their parents. Sponsors Eli Freidus and Amy Herring say this interest and continuity speaks volumes about the Food Brings Hope program and what it offers students. These devoted sponsors found pleasure in watching students bond and find comfort in one another as they navigated the challenges of high school.

The group meets every Wednesday for an hour and a half. During this time, students complete homework and receive tutoring and academic guidance. The food offered as part of the TeenZone program served as a terrific incentive to keep these students on track and the transportation services were invaluable, as the participating students generally had no other means to get home.

Spruce Creek students were active participants in several FBH sponsored events. Six of the TeenZone students received achievement awards for their progress in academics and citizenship and were recognized at an Awards Banquet. They attended the Embry Riddle Basketball Game and the students not only got to enjoy the game, but were treated to inspirational advice from coaches, players and Steve Lochte, the father and coach of Olympic Gold Medalist swimmer Ryan Lochte. The students enjoyed this event so much, it was difficult to get them back on the bus. Finally, students participated in the Food Brings Hope Year End Banquet at the Daytona International Speedway. For the second straight year, a wonderful time was had by all, as students were taken on a tour of the track, received a terrific dinner, and heard the advice of ISC CEO Lesa Kennedy. Two of our students received awards for citizenship from Mrs. Hosseini herself.

Sponsors Freidus and Herring report that 2012 – 2013 school year was a great success for the Spruce Creek High TeenZone and look forward to continuing to motivate and inspire the students they lead. 

Hosseini Family Foundation
100% of Food Brings Hope overhead is paid for by the Hosseini Family Foundation!
100% of donations to Food Brings Hope directly benefit students.

207 White St. Daytona Beach, FL 32114 / 386-317-5767
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