Luis Vargas - Taylor Middle High School - Pierson

November 27, 2020 - Daytona Beach News-Journal 

ABOUT THIS SERIES: Founded in 2007, Food Brings Hope provides afterschool programs in 27 schools in Volusia County and two in Flagler County. The programs provide at-risk students opportunities to improve grades, have fun, and receive nourishing food. Throughout the holidays, The News-Journal is highlighting the program by publishing the stories of some of its young participants. For more information, visit


My name is Luis Vargas, and I am an eighth-grader at Taylor Middle High School in Pierson. I have been attending the Pierson FBH Program for two years along with my brothers Antolin and Jonathan and my little sisters Suzy and Magaly. I am 13 and the oldest. We also attend with our mom who is taking English classes.

My favorite subject is geometry, it is hard and challenging at times. It challenges your brain. But I need to know math if I want to become an architect. An architect does blueprints for buildings. It is my wish that I pursue my goals and dreams and get good grades to become an architect. Food Brings Hope helps me do better in school by helping me improve my reading and math skills. FBH teachers are very friendly and helpful, and they help me remember what I learned in the classroom. I am going to start using the FBH Homework Hotline. I think it will help me improve in my other subjects, too.

My favorite FBH fiĀeld trip last year was going to a holiday concert in Daytona. We rode a bus which was cool because we saw a lot of decorated houses on the way to the concert. When we arrived in Daytona, we headed over to an area where we were served dinner before going inside to listen to holiday songs. I am glad we went to the concert.

To celebrate Christmas, we wake up early in the morning and pray to God and then we eat breakfast together as a family. My family and me gather around the tree to open our gifts. We are thankful for the gifts we get from FBH during our annual holiday party at the mission. Mrs. Winch comes to greet us and helps pass out gifts. For Christmas, I want an iPhone 11. I would like to give a golden necklace to my mom because she takes care of me and my siblings and she tries hard to provide us what we need. She makes sure we are happy.

FBH means to me that you can accomplish what you want if you work hard for it. Thank you Food Brings Hope.

Hosseini Family Foundation
100% of Food Brings Hope overhead is paid for by the Hosseini Family Foundation!
100% of donations to Food Brings Hope directly benefit students.

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